If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been wondering how to ban on discord. Well, the short answer is, very easy! However, there are a few things that you should know about how to ban on discord before actually going through with it. Firstly, you have to make sure that the server type you’re going to be using is actually legal in the area you live. I know it sounds stupid and everything else you’ve heard, but it’s true.

The next step to learn – about how to ban on discord is to look up the chat channels for any channels that you don’t want to be in. There are some real nasty channels out there, if you get involved in them for whatever reason. This will get rid of those channels from your friends list, giving you a good chance to get back together with friends that you’ve lost contact with. This is important because often times, old friends find each other online and start getting back together just because they can’t find each other in the old ways anymore.

The last thing to learn – about how to ban on discord is the most important one: don’t do it. I don’t care how popular or well known you are. Chances are you won’t get banned by the big time players. The smaller channels are where you’ll get hit. They are usually filled with people who want to play with you and not to upset the big guys!

So, if you want to know how to ban on discord – the first thing is to find a server that you want to play on. I recommend looking for smaller channels first, as they are generally easier to join. Once you find a server that you think you’d like to play on, get yourself an account. Make sure that your user name is exactly the same as your server name. This will help you find your way around the server if you ever need to leave.

Once you have an account, find a friend to play with – The thing about this tip is that it is more important than you think. If you get banned, there is no way to prove it, which can lead to trouble down the line. Also, if you get a friend to join a server that you are banned on, chances are that person might give you a hard time about being there in the future. Remember – no matter how popular or well known someone is, it’s always better to play with people who are good to get a chance to meet.

The final step is probably the best of all the tips on how to ban on discord – If you get banned from the server, try to pick an alternative server. You don’t want to give the people who banned you a chance to feel free to get another account on the server. You never know when the other person is going to be back!

Just make sure you do your best to stay away from the server you were banned on in the first place.